DirectOut Insider – 30th September
DirectOut Insider will bring you the inside stories from DirectOut’s founders, developers, experts and managers.
Clear the day in your diary, tell your colleagues that you’re busy; better still, ask them to join you – and to bring coffee and pizza.
You’ll hear about:
- Unlocking Sample-rate Converters – why SRCs are not all created equal and how to pick the right one for the job
- PRODIGY Dating – New Connections for PRODIGY.MP and PRODIGY.MC
- Taking Control – Ember+ the new burning issue for the PRODIGY series and something to get systems designers and integrators all fired up!
- More Control – NMOS network control for AES67 and ST2110
- A New EXBOX, not an ex-Box – because it’s always been a box, it’s still a box and will always be a box. But it’s a new one. An EXBOX, that is.
More details about how to join DirectOut Insider and the day’s schedule will follow shortly.