From October 1st to December 31st, 2015 get cashback on your next Manley purchase!
Variable Mu $295
VoxBox $295
Reference Cardioid Microphone $195
Reference Gold Microphone $375
Dual Mono Mic Preamp $195
TNT Mic Preamp $195
SLAM! $475
CORE $135
FORCE $135
International Manley Rebate Form_Q4_2015
Mail to: Manley Labs Rebate Promotion – c/o HHB Communications Canada Limited, 260 King St East, suite 205 Toronto, Ontario Canada M5A 4L5.
DO NOT mail to Manley Labs in California, it will not be processed.
Email to: with “Manley Labs Rebate Promotion as the subject. Terms and Conditions: This rebate is valid for NEW products named above only. Offer good only on qualifying purchases made between October 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015. Only completed rebate forms received no later than January 31, 2016 qualify. Please allow 4-6 weeks for processing of your rebate check. Rebates are not transferrable. A COPY of the original sales receipt MUST accompany this form. Not responsible for lost, late or undelivered responses.