CEDAR Audio is the world’s only company dedicated solely to audio restoration and speech enhancement for film, post, TV and radio broadcast, CD and DVD mastering, libraries and archives, and for audio forensic investigation.
Established in 1988 following five years of research funded by the British Library National Sound Archive, CEDAR Audio is based in Cambridge, UK, and retains strong academic links with Cambridge University, itself one of the world’s leading centres for digital signal processing research. The company currently numbers two Cambridge University Professors and a Director of Studies among its Directors, further strengthening its ability to remain at the forefront of its field.
CEDAR Audio is committed to furthering the science and technology of audio restoration and speech enhancements in all its forms. It not only manufactures many of the leading products in these fields, but actively pursues research into new techniques in each of them.
The company also places a premium on the highest standards of customer support, and has earned numerous accolades in this area.
Location sound
CEDAR’s dialogue noise suppressors are used by sound recordists everywhere to clean up audio as it’s recorded, whether for immediate use, or to provide cleaner production audio when there are time and budget constraints, or as an immediate confidence check that the recordings will clean up successfully in post to avoid expensive and time-consuming ADR.
Post production
CEDAR works with the world’s leading film and TV companies, and has received an Academy Award in recognition of its services in this field. Furthermore, tens of thousands of CDs and DVDs have been remastered using CEDAR, and innumerable broadcasts have benefitted from CEDAR’s noise suppression systems.
Live sound and live broadcasting
CEDAR products are used worldwide to suppress noise in live situations ranging from conferences and political raliies, to performances of theatre and opera, to the world’s largest sporting events including the Olympics, the Winter Olympics, and the FIFA World Cup.
Audio forensic investigation and surveillance
CEDAR is a leading supplier for police, security, anti-terrorism, air accident investigation, and some military applications. The company’s products have been used on many of the highest profile cases over the past fifteen years, and are installed in many of the best known (and many of the least known) forces and agencies in the world.
Libraries and archives
With its background in the National Sound Archive, CEDAR is uniquely suited to providing solutions for other large archives as well as smaller legacy and commercial archives. Consequently, libraries and archives all over the world rely on CEDAR for their most exacting restoration requirements.
Third-party and OEM projects
CEDAR Audio has written software for the leading audio editing platforms as well as for high-end domestic audio systems. The company has also designed and manufactured audio hardware for OEM manufacturers, most notably for export from the UK to Japan.
Check out CEDAR products here.
Steven Ching, a LAPD Technical Specialist had the following to say about the CEDAR Trinity Enhance:
“I use Trinity Enhance for a wide range of situations – from reducing cell echo to street noise to the audio that goes with in-car video. We have other tools, but I like the fact that Trinity Enhance has four separate processes in a single application, and that I can control these simultaneously with just four sliders. This makes it particularly versatile and it works for many of the situations that we have to deal with. If I didn’t use Trinity Enhance, I would have to run multiple apps from elsewhere.
As an LAPD technical specialist, I testify in court in cases involving cell phone forensics and video from CCTV; but after cleaning up our audio with Trinity Enhance, we don’t usually have to take the evidence to court. We can present it to the suspect, and that’s often enough.”
Website: http://www.cedaraudio.com/