Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ Plug-In Collection
The Neve 1073 Channel Amplifier is easily one of the most revered preamp and EQ circuits in audio history. Introduced in 1970, this hallowed class-A transistor mic/line amp with EQ epitomizes the beautiful “Neve sound,” with unparalleled clarity, sheen, and bite.
Today, Universal Audio has obsessively re-modeled the 1073 circuit from the ground up, complete with its sublime preamp section. For the first time, you can track through the only authentic licensed emulation of this audio legend – the UAD Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ Plug-In Collection for UAD-2 hardware and Apollo interfaces.
- Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ Collection with Unison technology
- AAX 64 Windows 7 compatibility
- Mac Thunderbolt PCIe audio drivers for Apollo & Apollo 16
- Apollo Twin compatibility with UAD-2 devices
- Apollo Console Input Labeling (“Scribble Strips”)