HHB Canada Sound Labs
Your Sound. Our Gear.
Ever wondered what your music would sound like running through a piece of high-end, analogue gear? Whether or not that gear would flatter or enhance your sound – add warmth? Depth? Glue?
Each week we will choose one piece of analogue processing from the brands that we distribute and run your audio through it! Submit an audio file of a mix, stem, or even a single instrument, and we’ll run it through the featured gear. You will get to hear your music for 15 seconds with the gear bypassed, then your music with the gear engaged, then bypassed, then engaged again. Extra volume can falsely bring a sense of excitement to a mix. We will take care to level match your source file with the processed audio so that it will be apparent what the additional processing is (or is not) doing. No further processing will be made to the audio as we want you to hear exactly what is happening to your sound. Sure, we believe our gear will make everything sound better (that’s why we distribute the brands that we do!!), but we truly want to provide unbiased, real world results for you to hear.
The audio tests will be sent back to you, and with your permission, we’d love to post the results on our Soundcloud and Youtube channel.
Feel free to message us at soundlabs @ hhbcanada.com, to be involved.
To hear the results, follow the HHB Canada Sound Labs Soundcloud page and the HHB Canada Sound Labs Youtube channel, or our Facebook page.
(Just a reminder – we don’t sell to end users – our dealers do that very well! But we are here for questions/ feedback etc).